The US Postal Laws and Regulations.

The US Postal Laws and Regulations (PL&Rs) are periodic publications produced from 1794 to 1948 that contained the laws and regulations that governed the US Post Office Department.

For first time users and those attempting to use multiple search criteria we suggest first reading the US PL&Rs' Frequently Asked Questions on the menu bar above.

Step 1 Search For:

Enter the keyword(s) and/or the topic(s) that you want to search for.


Step 2 Search In:

Select the range of Years that you want to search in.

All Years
A Specific Year:
A Range of Years:
Step 1Search Topics:
 Abortion materials unmailable
 Acceptable for postage
 Account of mails
 Account of mails 1817
 Account of mails 1843
 Account of mails 1920
 Accounting forms
 Accounts, postmaster
 Acts that are repealed
 Additions allowed
 Additions to mail matter
 Additions to mail matter (?illegal)
 Additions to mail matter (illegal)
 Addressing letters correctly
 Advertised mail
 Agents on steamers
 Air mail
 Air Mail Envelopes
 Air mail forwarding
 Air mail service
 Air mail stamps
 Air mail stamps/envelopes
 Air parcel post
 Annual reports
 APO mail
 Appointments of postmasters, & other PO workers
 Assistant PMGs
 Assistant Postmaster General
 Assistant Postmaster Generals
 Avis de reception
 Bad order
 Ballots, military
 Blind matter
 Blind, matter for
 Book rate
 Books of stamps
 Bound printed matter
 Box letters
 Branch post offices
 British packet mails
 Bulk fourth-class mail
 Bulk mailings
 Bulk third-class mail
 Business reply mail
 Business-reply cards
 Business-reply envelopes
 Canada mail
 Canada mails
 Cancelled stamps, using illegally
 Carriage of mails
 Carrier mail
 Catalog rates
 Catcher post offices
 Certificate of mailing
 Classification of mail matter
 Closed against inspection
 Closed mails
 COD charges, altering
 Commercial papers
 Concealed mail
 Concordance of sections
 Congressional documents
 Congressional record
 Consealed mail
 Consealing mail
 Consul mail
 Consul postage
 Consular mail
 Contraceptive materials unmailable
 Controlled circulation matter
 Corner cards
 Crimes, postal
 Damaged mail
 Dead letter branch
 Dead letter branches
 Dead letter office
 Dead letter office return fee
 Dead mail
 Deficiency in address supplied
 Deliver to addressee only
 Delivered letters when remailed
 Delivery of mail
 Delivery offices
 Detaining mail
 Diplomatic mail
 Directory service
 Discounted postage
 Discounted stamps
 Distances to cities
 Distributing mail
 Distributing offices
 Distribution centers
 Distribution of mails
 Distribution offices
 Distribution rule
 Domestic mail matter
 Double envelopes
 Double postal cards
 Double-letter envelopes
 Drop letters
 Dutiable mail
 Dutiable matter
 East Indies
 Electric and cable cars
 Electric cars
 Embezzle mail
 En voyage (traveling)
 Erroneously delivered mail
 Exchange offices
 Express companies
 Express mail
 Failure of mails
 Firm dissolved - no order
 First assistant PG
 First Assistant Postmaster General
 First-class mail matter
 First-class matter inclosed
 Foreign dead letters
 Foreign dead matter
 Foreign mail
 Foreign mail contracts
 Foreign mails
 Form 1510
 Form 1522
 Form 2855
 Form 2863
 Form 2865
 Form 2921
 Form 2944
 Form 2985
 Form 3201
 Form 3421
 Form 3433
 Form 3435
 Form 3437
 Form 3439
 Form 3473
 Form 3501-C
 Form 3509
 Form 3511
 Form 3539
 Form 3547
 Form 3578
 Form 3579
 Form 3805
 Form 3807
 Form 3811
 Form 3812
 Form 3814-C
 Form 3814-D
 Form 3815
 Form 3818
 Form 3830
 Form 3849
 Form 3851
 Form 3852
 Form 3853
 Form 3854
 Form 3867
 Form 3868
 Form 3870
 Form 3873
 Form 3874
 Form 3896
 Form 3897
 Form 3951
 Form 3954
 Form 3955
 Form 3961-A
 Form 4233
 Form 4620
 Form 4954
 Form 5161-B
 Form 5211
 Form 5258
 Form 540
 Form 541
 Form 542
 Form 565
 Form 6001
 Form 6002
 Form 6002-A
 Form 6006
 Form 6019
 Form 6025
 Form 6083
 Form 6116
 Form 6339
 Form 6387
 Form 6423
 Form 6701
 Form 6702
 Form 6706
 Form 6752
 Form 6753
 Form 6759
 Form 6760
 Forms 3855, 3856 1/2
 Found in ordinary mail
 Fourth Assist PG
 Fourth Assistant Postmaster General
 Fourth-class mail
 Franking privilege
 Franking privilege abolished
 Franking privilege abolished 3/3/1845
 Free delivery
 Free foreign mails
 Free foreign matter
 Free mail
 Free matter
 Free registered mail
 French packets
 General delivery
 General post office
 Gold rates
 Gold, rates for
 Government documents
 Government documents free
 Great Britain
 Harmful matter
 Held for postage
 Hong Kong
 Hotel matter
 Hours of operation
 House quaranteed
 Illegal enclosures
 Inclosures (?illegal)
 Inclosures (illegal)
 Incoming mail
 Indecent matter
 Index of laws
 Index of laws/regulations
 Index of regulations
 Infected mail
 Infectious mail
 Injure mail
 Insufficient payment
 Insufficiently paid mail
 Insured mail
 Internal revenue stamps
 International mails
 International postal service
 International rates - Part II
 International rates (see Official Postal Guides Part II for rates)
 International rates Part II
 International rates see Part II
 International reply cards
 International reply coupons
 Irrelative duties
 Key rate
 Laws that are new 6/8/72 to 3/3/73
 Legal proceedings
 Legislative journals
 Letter - concealed
 Letter box
 Letter box (drop mail)
 Letter boxes
 Letter carriers
 Letter postage
 Letter sheets
 Libelous matter
 Library of Congress
 Library rate
 Loose in mails matter
 Lost letters
 Lost mail
 Magazines (periodicals)
 Magazines, periodicals
 Mail agents
 Mail delivery
 Mail depredations
 Mail equipment
 Mail in transit
 Mail matter
 Mail messenger
 Mail messenger service
 Mail messengers
 Mail types
 Mailable matter
 Mailing (Receiving) offices
 Mailing matter without postage stamps affixed
 Making up mail
 Making up the mails
 Marines' letters
 Marines' mail
 Marines’ letters
 Metered mail
 Migratory bird hunting stamps
 Military mail
 Missent mail
 Missing mail
 Money orders
 Money orders, domestic
 Money orders, International
 Money orders, international/foreign
 Naval mail
 Navy mail
 New Laws 6/8/72 to 3/3/73
 New Mexico
 New section
 News agents
 Newspaper returns
 Newspaper stamps
 Newspaper wrappers
 Newspapers stamps
 No such number etc.
 No such number/street
 Nondelivery, reasons
 Nonmailable matter
 Non-UPU rates
 Not found
 Not in registered mail
 Nova Scotia
 Obscene materials unmailable
 Ocean mail service
 Odd size and shape
 Office stamps
 Offices of mailing
 Official matter
 Official Postal Guide
 Opening mail
 Opening the mail
 Opening the mails
 Opinions list of Assistant Attorney General
 Oregon Terr
 Organization of POD
 Out of mails
 Out of mails by steamboat, express company etc
 Out of mails now legal
 Outgoing mail
 Overlapping stamps
 Overpaid mail
 Pacific mail
 Packet boat
 Packet mail
 Packet ship
 Paid mail
 Pamphlet returns
 Parcel post
 Parcel post stamps
 Parcel post, foreign
 Parcel post, international
 Part paid mail
 Partly paid
 Penalty envelopes
 Periodical stamps
 Permit mail
 Pneumatic tubes
 Pony Express
 Post bill
 Post bills
 Post cards
 Post office
 Post Office Department organization
 Post office hours
 Post offices
 Post roads
 Post roads discontinued
 Post roads established
 Postage due
 Postage due mail
 Postage due matter
 Postage due paid in cash
 Postage due stamps
 Postage stamps
 Postal agencies
 Postal card
 Postal cards
 Postal Guide
 Postal inspectors
 Postal notes
 Postal savings
 Postal Savings Stamps
 Postal Savings System
 Poste restante
 Postmarking mail
 Postmaster commissions
 Postmaster compensation
 Postmaster duties
 Postmaster General
 Postmaster General commissions
 Postmaster General duties
 Postmaster Generals
 Postmaster General's duties and powers and reports
 Postmaster information
 Postmaster reports
 Postmasters duties
 Precancelled government envelopes
 President, threat to
 Printed matter
 Printed paper
 Privacy of the mails
 Private express
 Private express use now legal
 Private expresses
 Private expresses prohibited
 Private mailing card
 Private mailing cards
 Protecting mails
 Public documents
 Publication information
 Queen bees
 Railroad car
 Railroads as post roads
 Railway mail service
 Railway mail system
 Rates, fees
 Rates. fees, foreign
 Readdressed mail
 Reason for non-delivery
 Receipt, registration or COD
 Received in bad order
 Received under cover
 Receiving (Delivery) offices
 Receiving (Mailing) offices
 Receiving offices
 Redeemed postage
 Refused letters
 Refused mail
 Registered free mail
 Registered mail that's undeliverable
 Registration forms
 Registration request for forwarding etc
 Registration return receipt
 Registration, at delivery offices
 Registration, at mailing offices
 Registration, domestic mail
 Registration, fees
 Registration, foreign mail
 Registration, indemnity
 Registration, short-paid
 Remailed letters after delivery
 Remailing postal cards
 Repealed acts
 Reply-paid postal cards
 Request letters
 Request matter
 Request stamped envelopes
 Reregistered after delivery
 Restricted delivery
 Return letters
 Return postage guaranteed
 Return receipt
 Return request
 Return to sender
 Returned DLO mail fee
 Returned for additional postage
 Returned for better direction
 Returned mail
 Returned mail (Reasons marked)
 Returned Mail with Reasons Marked
 Returned newspapers, pamphlets, magazines
 Returned to writer
 Revenues POD
 Revised Statutes of the US
 Rob mail
 Roots, etc.
 Route agent
 Route agents
 Rural delivery
 Rural mail
 Rural routes
 Safeguarding of the mails
 Safety of mails
 Safety of the mails
 Sailors' letters
 Sailors’ letters
 Sample copies
 Samples of merchandise
 Santa Claus letters
 Savings bonds
 Savings stamps
 Scurrilous matter
 Sea post
 Sea Post offices
 Sealed mail
 Sealed matter
 Second Assistant Postmaster General
 Second-class mail
 Section concordance
 Ship agents
 Ship letters
 Ship mail
 Short paid
 Short paid mail
 Short-paid 1¢ penalty
 Shortpaid mail
 Short-Paid mail
 Small packets
 Soldiers' letters
 Soldier's mail
 Soldiers’ letters
 South America
 Special agents
 Special delivery
 Special delivery service
 Special delivery service for perishable items
 Special delivery stamps
 Special handling
 Special handling service
 Special handling stamps
 Special request envelopes
 Spurious matter
 Stamped envelopes
 Stamps (cancelers)
 Stamps acceptable for postage
 Stamps not good for postage
 Star Route
 Star routes
 Statutes, index to
 Steal mail
 Stealing mail
 Street letter boxes
 Sunday hours
 Sunday mail
 Sunday PO hours
 Supplementary mail
 Supposed to contain matter prohibited importation
 Table of contents
 Third Assistant Postmaster General
 Third-class mail
 Third-class mail bulk
 Third-class matter inclosed
 Title page
 Transient letters
 Transient mail
 Transient matter
 Transient second-class rate
 Transit mail
 Transit mail (offices)
 Transportation of the mails
 Treasonable matter
 Treaty rates
 Two-class mail
 Uncalled for (unclaimed)
 Unclaimed mail
 Undeliverable mail
 Undeliverable registered mail
 Under cover mail
 Underpaid mail
 United States savings bonds
 Universal Postal Union
 Unmailable matter
 Unpaid mail
 Unsealed mail
 US Official Postal Guide
 Valuable dead letters
 Valuable dead letters registered
 Valuable letters
 Valuable matter
 Vera Cruz
 Wagon mail service
 War savings certificates
 Washington Territory
 Waste matter
 Waste paper
 Way letters
 Way mail
 Weather reports
 West Indies
 Windowed envelopes
 Withdrawal of mail
 Withdrawn mail
 Without postage stamps affixed
 Without stamps affixed
Step 4   
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